Lander & Adriaan
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Lander & Adriaan is a Belgian duo consisting of drummer Lander Gyselinck (Stuff., Beraadgeslagen, LABtrio) and Adriaan Van de Velde (Pomrad, Mauro Pawlowski, J. Bernardt).
Their mutual affection for smooth digital synthesizers and 90s underground dance music genres brought them together to immerse themselves in symbiotic jams during the very first lockdown in 2020.
Their gently disturbing mix of 90s dance music genres such as Chicago juke, Detroit techno, UK-Funky, Classic rave, with cheesy jazz fusion and everyday jazz improvisation, transports you to a pleasantly disturbed world of innocent fun, sheer oddity, and excitement. They call it 'Post Nudism Rave'. Others refer to it as 'free rave', 'confusi-trance', and 'sophisti-rave'.
You'll experience the quantum thrills of interplanetary ambient drones, sweet drum rumbles, pulpy sweet melodies, juicy basslines, all delicately woven into raw sweat-dripping dance music. Go (half) naked and dance!